Monday, January 21, 2013

Join the Daniel Challenge!

The Daniel Challenge consists of you making a choice of a 3, 7, 10, or 21 day experience. You can choose to do one or all of the challenges: Change your diet, pray, take courageous stands. Please join us in this challenge. We will be posting specifics about how to follow this challenge in each of the three categories. Let us know if you have or are going to take this challenge by posting here on this blog  share your experiences on our Facebook page - First Christian Church Galesburg.  Let us know how God is working in your life through this challenge.


  1. I'm excited to start my Daniel challenge. I've chosen February 1st for the start of my 21 day challenge. Gonna work on my prayer time, my diet, and I'm going to be more courageous with my faith.

  2. I'm excited to start my Daniel challenge on Sunday, January 27th. I have a focus, a quiet place, my study material is ready, the food is ready, and I'm going to be looking for opportunities to express my faith to others. I really want to have a learning experience. This is a so new to me. Our pastors are both so good to us to guide us in Christian development. Thank you Pastors Greg & MJ!!!

  3. It's Monday, January 28th and I'm on the second day. Yesterday was Sunday. My favorite day of the week! I had oats with raisins & almonds and almond silk for breakfast. A carrot for lunch and a microwaveable carton of wildrice for dinner that
    I had mixed with some chopped celery. For dessert I had a Cutie orange and a bananna.
    I'm quite the cook! Sunday is day that I always spend time reading and worshiping so I feel I met the goal of my Daniel Challenge on day #2. Bring on Day #3!!!! With God, I can handle it.

  4. P.S. Missing my honey. No not my hubby. My
    honey from the bees. But, I can wait.

  5. Today is day 3 of the Challenge. I'm really getting into it! Warm oats in the a.m. (I must be related to Mr. Ed) and an apple for lunch. Not sure whats for dinner tonight but I'm sure it will be yummy. This really has been good. I've never felt better and I enjoy my extra time talking with God.
    If you haven't been by Brighter Life Bookstore in awhile, stop by and see the Shih Tzu puppy. She is so cute!!!!
