Thursday, March 7, 2013

A New Normal

Last night we made a Taco Soup for our Bible Study group. It was such an easy recipe and people seemed to like it. Some even said, "Wow! This is so good, I don't even miss the meat!"

It is amazing to me that I have felt that way about a lot of the recipes we have made over the last 2 1/2 weeks. I am not missing the meat very much at all. I have always loved vegetables and fruit so this hasn't been really hard to eat has just been a challenge to find new ways to fix them for all our meals.

What I have enjoyed throughout this fast is not feeling so "stuffed" or "blah" after eating. I just feel healthier. What I need to determine is what my new "normal" will be when my fast ends this coming Monday. Will I continue on throughout Lent and then start eating normally OR will I just start eating my "normal" diet that has meat in it....but just add more fruit and vegetable dishes.

How is it that God wants me to eat? He is the One that gave us all this wonderful food -- and He also gave us our bodies that He wants us to take care of - that's part of our stewardship. I really want to eat and take care of my body in a way that would please God. That should be our goal to bring glory to God in everything we do and say - and in every decision we make.

What is your "new normal"? How will you eat and care for your body - to the glory of God?

Here's the recipe for Taco Soup:

Two 32-ounce containers of vegetable broth

16 ounce natural salsa (your choice of flavor - we made our own salsa)

2 cans black beans

4 cups frozen corn

salt, pepper, cumin to taste

Combine, cook on stove for 30 minutes. Serve with tortilla chips, if desired.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 13 - Almond Bites & Devotions

As I continue on my Daniel Fast,  I have discovered some  & great devotionals that really uplift and encourage me.  In fact, I am contemplating continuing on throughout Lent.    Today's devotion encouraged me to stay the course no matter what difficulties you face.  Satan definitely doesn't want me getting closer to God or feeling better about myself.  But thank  God - I have the strength and power of the Holy Spirit to keep me going!

Greg & I have found some wonderful recipes that we really like.  And for my sweet tooth, I have a great cookie called Almond Butter Bites.  Check it out on the link below.  We really like making them with chocolate almond butter & craisins.  We eat them partially frozen & They are very fulfilling.