Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tomato Basil Soup

Greg and I have noticed that our taste buds are changing.   Everything just tastes so vibrant and flavorful.   We are so grateful for our tastebuds and for the incredible food God created.   Have you thanked God lately for your tastebuds?

Today, we made a great soup for our snowy, wintery day.    Thought I'd share the recipe.

Tomato Basil Soup

Yield: 4 servings
Serving Size:  about 1 1/2 cup

1/2 TBSP extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup chopped onion
3 (14.5 ounce) cans diced tomatoes, undrained
1/2 cup water
1 -2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
Toasted pumpkin seeds  or toasted raw sunflower seeds (for garnish)

Heat olive oil in a large deep skillet over medium heat.  
Add onions, and cook until soft and translucent. 
Add tomatoes, water, garlic, basil, salt, and pepper.
Cook 20 minutes.
Place mixture in a food processor or blender, and puree until desired consistency.
      (You may need to9 do this in 2 batches, because filling your processor or blender more
        than half full could cause the hot soup to pop the lid.)
Return to the skillet and cook 5-10 more minutes
Garish with toasted pumpkin and/or sunflower seeds, if desired.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Changed Thinking -- and Stuffed Tomato Recipe

Today is day number 7 for us in the daily challenge. It was day number 21 for the leader of our praise band. We both decided that going through the daniel challenge changes your thinking. We both have decided that even when the Daniel Challenge ends, we won't go back to eating like we used to.   We just feel better not eating so much fat and sugar (I can't believe I am saying that since I love sugar!!)   I am not saying that I am ready to  become vegetarian or to stop eating sweets...but I think I will use much smaller quantities and eat more vegetables and fruit.

Some have wondered where we get recipes and I get them from a variety of sources.  Today I want to share a great recipe that I got from a book Greg is using called The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet.  Greg is using that for his Daniel Challenge and using the vegetable diet for the Daniel Challenge.   Here is a recipe we both really liked:

Stuffed Tomato

2 large tomatoes
1/2 cup cooked brown rice
1/2 cup shredded American or cheddar cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Cut 1/2 inch off the tops of each tomato.  Scoop out some of the tomato pulp, leaving about a 3/4 inch thick shell.   Mix other ingredients together and pack lightly into tomato shells , saving a little cheese to sprinkle on top of each stuffed tomato.   Place in small baking dish and bake for 15 to 20 minutes in preheated 350 degree oven, or until piping hot.   Do not overcook.

Serves 2.

Other stuffings may be used, as follows:

1/4 cup cooked rice; 1/2 medium pepper, chopped; 4 large mushrooms, sliced and sauteed; 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese (or other cheese).

1/2 cup cooked or canned corn; chopped tomato pulp; 1/2 medium pepper, chopped; 1/2 chopped pimiento.

Cottage cheese and chopped nuts, topped with minced parsley.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Finding sweetness during the fast

         I really have a sweet tooth.   And I have always liked to end my meal with something sweet - it doesn't have to be big, just something sweet.   So the Daniel Challenge has been somewhat difficult for me.   I have realized that my body right now is going through a "detox" from sugar!   I definitely needed that.   I have found also that I need to focus on the sweetness of my time with Jesus..in the midst of missing sweet desserts.

         I have also appreciated finding recipes in my Ultimate Daniel Challenge book that give a healthier version of something sweet....using things that God gave us naturally.   Today's recipe was perfect for that....and can also be used as a "breakfast bar".   This one uses figs and dates!   Enjoy!

Coconut Fig Bars

1/2 cup wheat flour

1/2 cup rolled oats

1 cup unsweetened applesauce

1/4 cup Date Honey (see recipe for date honey below)

1 cup chopped dried figs

2 TBSP chopped pecans

1 TBSP flaxseed meal (optional)

1 TBSP unsweetened shredded coconut

1/2 tsp cinnamon


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.   In a large bowl, mix flour, oats, applesauce, and date honey until well combined.  Stir in figs, pecans, flaxseed meal (optional), coconut and cinnamon.


Lightly rub an 8x8 baking dish with ollive oil and press mixture into dish.   Bake 15 minutes or until top is lightly browned.   Cool 10 minutes at room temperature and serve.


Instead of buying flaxseed meal, you can also grind whole flaxseeds at home using a coffee or seed grinder.


To make Date Honey: 

1 cup pitted dates

1 cup water

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Pour dates and water into a small saucepan, making sure dates are completely covered.   (add additional water if necessary).   Bring to a boil over high heat.   Reduce heat to low and simmer 45-60 minutes or until dates are very soft and broken down.   Remove from heat, and allow to cool slightly for about 15 minutes.   Pour mixture into a blender or food processor and puree until smooth.   Sprinkle in cinnamon and stir well.  Store in a sealed container in refrigerator. 

This date honey can also be spread on top of the coconut fig bars when serving.   Another good use is to spread on top of apples or bananas.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Life-Giving Water

           Today's focus in my devotional is on drinking water.   Daniel drank only water during his fasts.   I have chosen to drink water as much as I can.   I think 100% juice is ok too.   But I have chosen not to drink coffee which I realized is a habit we have at church....we just automatically pick up a cup of coffee at the end of a meal, during Sunday School, etc.
           Drinking more water is good for you...keeping you hydrated as well as removing toxins that are poisonous to our bodies.   And driniking Christ's life-giving water can remove toxins like anger, bitterness, worry, stress, etc.   So today, each time I take a drink of water (as was recommended in my devotional) I am trying to remember that Jesus is my Living Water....and that as I pray and faast, I can drink deeply of the Lord.
          Today's quote comes from a person named M. Day:  "The Daniel Fast was an incrediblejourney for us.   Neither my husband nor I had ever fasted before, so it was a totally new road for us to travel.    Once I got through the first few days and changed my way of thinking, I was able to switch my focus from what i could and couldn't eat to the true reason I was fasting.   I really grew in my relationship with God and learned to lean on Him for strength in a whole new way.   I now fast on a regular basis and am always amazed at what God does." - The Ultimate Daniel Fast book.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Doing a Daniel Fast for the Right Reason

I have found a wonderful book that I think will be a great help for my Daniel Faast.   It is a book written by Kristen Feola entitled:  "The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast".   What attracted me to the book, in addition to having recipes, was a 21 day devotional...something to read and encourage you during the Daniel Fast.  

A quote in yesterday's devotional really caught my attention.   It is from someone named K. Moore.   It reads:  "You have to do a Daniel Fast for the right reasons.   I entered into the fast because everyone around me waas doing it and because I thought it would help me lose weight.   At no point did I increase my prayer time or treat it as anything more than a diet program.   So it's no surprise that I made it only halfway through the fast, and I didn't get any closer to God in the process.   I felt like a failure.   The next time I do a Daniel Fast, I will make sure that I partner with God.   It will be less about me and more about Him."

Every time I start to crave something (like the Girl Scout cookies our custodian brought in today to the church office to share!!)...I am attempting to turn that craving into a time of prayer.   It certainly isn't easy but I want so much to do this to the glory of God.   I want to partner with Him throughout the whole experience.

What reasons made you decide to do the Daniel Fast?

Monday, February 18, 2013

What are you seeking during a Daniel Fast?

Greg and I are beginning a 21 Daniel Fast today....at least I am on the Daniel Fast.   Greg is doing another 14 day vegetarian diet which will in many ways coincide with my Daniel Fast.   Both of us will be doing our fasts to God's glory...each of us wanting to grow closer to God through it all.  

I have also discovered that I want to specifically pray for God's discernment throughout this fast.   Esther asked the people to fast and pray when Mordecai told her about the plot to kill the Jews.   She wanted to fast and pray for discerment about how to approach the king for the sake of the Jews.

My prayer throughout these next 21 days will be to grow deeper in my relationship with Christ....and for discernment on what the next step is for our church in ministry - especially in ministry for our youth.   Where is God is leading us?


Monday, February 11, 2013

Greg and I are anticipating beginning a 21 day fast next week, as we begin Lent this week.   We are waiting to start next week, because we are going to be at the Girls' Weekend (Chrysalis) and we know it will be harder to be "fasting" during that event.   There is always so much good food to eat.   But we have noticed, after our 4 day fast a couple of weeks ago....that we feel more sluggish with our normal diet.   Maybe we need to be making a change for our diet all the time!
Have you noticed a difference?   Be sure and take the time to comment below!   We want to know how the Daniel Fast is going for you!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Living like Daniel is not just about what you eat.....although that is the main point of the Daniel Fast, eating like Daniel did.   But Daniel lived righteously in other ways.   He prayed 3 times a day faithfully, even when it was illegal to do so.  

While I pray a lot throughout the day - just talking to God - I know I don't spend enough time in "focused" prayer.   Our challenge has been to pray 3 times a day for at least 10 minutes each time.   I have found that I can do that pretty well in the morning and at bedtime, but to pray during the day for 10 minutes is much harder.   It is making me look closely at how I spend my time and where my focus really is.

How is your prayer challenge going?   I would love to hear your stories!

Friday, February 1, 2013

I have heard my mother say throughout my lifetime that I should always make a plate look "pretty" when deciding what to eat.   Foods all the same color are not as "pretty" on the plate...and perhaps not as healthy.   I remember that we should always eat something "green".  Now I keep hearing that we need to eat a "rainbow" on our plate...to make sure we are eating a variety of colors! 

I am wondering if Daniel had a variety of colors to eat - I am guessing he did.   And eating those "colors" of veggies certainly helped him to feel healthier than those that ate the king's food.  How grateful we should be that God created a "rainbow" of foods - rather making everything one color.

We have completed an initial 3 day fast ... and we are planning a 21 day fast during Lent.   However, I (MJ) am finding that I am going to continue on, trying to eat a healthier diet - with a lot more vegetables and fruit and whole grains.

How is the Daniel Fast going for you?   Please share your story!