Thursday, February 21, 2013

Life-Giving Water

           Today's focus in my devotional is on drinking water.   Daniel drank only water during his fasts.   I have chosen to drink water as much as I can.   I think 100% juice is ok too.   But I have chosen not to drink coffee which I realized is a habit we have at church....we just automatically pick up a cup of coffee at the end of a meal, during Sunday School, etc.
           Drinking more water is good for you...keeping you hydrated as well as removing toxins that are poisonous to our bodies.   And driniking Christ's life-giving water can remove toxins like anger, bitterness, worry, stress, etc.   So today, each time I take a drink of water (as was recommended in my devotional) I am trying to remember that Jesus is my Living Water....and that as I pray and faast, I can drink deeply of the Lord.
          Today's quote comes from a person named M. Day:  "The Daniel Fast was an incrediblejourney for us.   Neither my husband nor I had ever fasted before, so it was a totally new road for us to travel.    Once I got through the first few days and changed my way of thinking, I was able to switch my focus from what i could and couldn't eat to the true reason I was fasting.   I really grew in my relationship with God and learned to lean on Him for strength in a whole new way.   I now fast on a regular basis and am always amazed at what God does." - The Ultimate Daniel Fast book.

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