Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Doing a Daniel Fast for the Right Reason

I have found a wonderful book that I think will be a great help for my Daniel Faast.   It is a book written by Kristen Feola entitled:  "The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast".   What attracted me to the book, in addition to having recipes, was a 21 day devotional...something to read and encourage you during the Daniel Fast.  

A quote in yesterday's devotional really caught my attention.   It is from someone named K. Moore.   It reads:  "You have to do a Daniel Fast for the right reasons.   I entered into the fast because everyone around me waas doing it and because I thought it would help me lose weight.   At no point did I increase my prayer time or treat it as anything more than a diet program.   So it's no surprise that I made it only halfway through the fast, and I didn't get any closer to God in the process.   I felt like a failure.   The next time I do a Daniel Fast, I will make sure that I partner with God.   It will be less about me and more about Him."

Every time I start to crave something (like the Girl Scout cookies our custodian brought in today to the church office to share!!)...I am attempting to turn that craving into a time of prayer.   It certainly isn't easy but I want so much to do this to the glory of God.   I want to partner with Him throughout the whole experience.

What reasons made you decide to do the Daniel Fast?

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