Friday, February 1, 2013

I have heard my mother say throughout my lifetime that I should always make a plate look "pretty" when deciding what to eat.   Foods all the same color are not as "pretty" on the plate...and perhaps not as healthy.   I remember that we should always eat something "green".  Now I keep hearing that we need to eat a "rainbow" on our make sure we are eating a variety of colors! 

I am wondering if Daniel had a variety of colors to eat - I am guessing he did.   And eating those "colors" of veggies certainly helped him to feel healthier than those that ate the king's food.  How grateful we should be that God created a "rainbow" of foods - rather making everything one color.

We have completed an initial 3 day fast ... and we are planning a 21 day fast during Lent.   However, I (MJ) am finding that I am going to continue on, trying to eat a healthier diet - with a lot more vegetables and fruit and whole grains.

How is the Daniel Fast going for you?   Please share your story!

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