Monday, February 18, 2013

What are you seeking during a Daniel Fast?

Greg and I are beginning a 21 Daniel Fast least I am on the Daniel Fast.   Greg is doing another 14 day vegetarian diet which will in many ways coincide with my Daniel Fast.   Both of us will be doing our fasts to God's glory...each of us wanting to grow closer to God through it all.  

I have also discovered that I want to specifically pray for God's discernment throughout this fast.   Esther asked the people to fast and pray when Mordecai told her about the plot to kill the Jews.   She wanted to fast and pray for discerment about how to approach the king for the sake of the Jews.

My prayer throughout these next 21 days will be to grow deeper in my relationship with Christ....and for discernment on what the next step is for our church in ministry - especially in ministry for our youth.   Where is God is leading us?


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