Friday, February 22, 2013

Finding sweetness during the fast

         I really have a sweet tooth.   And I have always liked to end my meal with something sweet - it doesn't have to be big, just something sweet.   So the Daniel Challenge has been somewhat difficult for me.   I have realized that my body right now is going through a "detox" from sugar!   I definitely needed that.   I have found also that I need to focus on the sweetness of my time with the midst of missing sweet desserts.

         I have also appreciated finding recipes in my Ultimate Daniel Challenge book that give a healthier version of something sweet....using things that God gave us naturally.   Today's recipe was perfect for that....and can also be used as a "breakfast bar".   This one uses figs and dates!   Enjoy!

Coconut Fig Bars

1/2 cup wheat flour

1/2 cup rolled oats

1 cup unsweetened applesauce

1/4 cup Date Honey (see recipe for date honey below)

1 cup chopped dried figs

2 TBSP chopped pecans

1 TBSP flaxseed meal (optional)

1 TBSP unsweetened shredded coconut

1/2 tsp cinnamon


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.   In a large bowl, mix flour, oats, applesauce, and date honey until well combined.  Stir in figs, pecans, flaxseed meal (optional), coconut and cinnamon.


Lightly rub an 8x8 baking dish with ollive oil and press mixture into dish.   Bake 15 minutes or until top is lightly browned.   Cool 10 minutes at room temperature and serve.


Instead of buying flaxseed meal, you can also grind whole flaxseeds at home using a coffee or seed grinder.


To make Date Honey: 

1 cup pitted dates

1 cup water

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Pour dates and water into a small saucepan, making sure dates are completely covered.   (add additional water if necessary).   Bring to a boil over high heat.   Reduce heat to low and simmer 45-60 minutes or until dates are very soft and broken down.   Remove from heat, and allow to cool slightly for about 15 minutes.   Pour mixture into a blender or food processor and puree until smooth.   Sprinkle in cinnamon and stir well.  Store in a sealed container in refrigerator. 

This date honey can also be spread on top of the coconut fig bars when serving.   Another good use is to spread on top of apples or bananas.


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